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Governance Info

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For all information on local governance arrangements please visit individual academy websites.


Waterton Governor Information


Governance Calendar 2023-24


The Members of Waterton Academy Trust commissioned a review of Governance by the NGA which took place during the academic year 17/18. This was a full 360 degree evaluation of our structures, systems and procedures. The review recommendations led to the restructure of governance which has now been implemented.




The new structure proposes the introduction of a new level of Governance, designed to guide the development of growth through localised hubs within the Yorkshire region.


The role of the Trustees board (TB)

The MAT is a charitable company and so trustees are both charity trustees (within the terms of section 177(1) of the Charities Act 2011) and company directors.  Because trustees are bound by both charity and company law, the terms ‘trustees’ and ‘directors’ are often used interchangeably.  Waterton Academy Trust will use the term trustee when referring to Trust Board members, governors when referring to LHB and ASC members and Officers when referring to the trust executive team.


The trustees are responsible for the general control and management of the administration of the trust, and in accordance with the provisions set out in the memorandum and articles of association and its funding agreement, it is legally responsible and accountable for all statutory functions, for the performance of all academies within the trust, and must approve a written scheme of delegation of financial powers that maintains robust internal control arrangements.  In addition it must carry out the three core governance functions:

  • Ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
  • Hold the executive to account for the educational performance of the trust’s academies and their pupils, and the performance management of staff
  • Oversee the financial performance of the trust and make sure its money is well spent

The TB has the right to review and adapt its governance structure at any time which includes removing delegation.


The role of the Local Hub Board (LHB)

The trustees may establish committees to carry out some of its local area and academy level governance functions. As trustees are not required to sit on hub committees, decision-making is delegated. Trustees will appoint the chair.


Typically, delegated functions may include:

  • Building an understanding of how the hub’s academies are led and managed
  • Monitoring whether the academies are:
  • Working within agreed policies
  • Is meeting their agreed targets
  • Managing their finances well
  • Engaging with stakeholders
  • Being a point of consultation and representation
  • Reporting to the board

Register of Business Interests


The role of the Academy Standards Committee (ASC)

The trustees may establish ASCs to carry out some of its academy level functions. Trustees are not required to sit on ASCs. The Local Hub Board will appoint the chair, and ensure that two parents are elected to the ASC.

Typically, functions may include:

  • Monitoring and reporting to the LHB regarding agreed educational standards
  • Engaging with stakeholders
  • Being a point of consultation and representation

The table below shows our Headteachers and Chair of Academy Standards Committees:

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— New website coming soon —

If you can’t find any information you believe should be on here, please contact us on admin@watertonacademytrust.org